Pollinators and Agriculture Micro Unit Pre-Presentation

I feel that my micro-unit contains essential project design elements. I believe that the individual lessons flow well together with students first learning about how pollinators benefit agriculture and the world as a whole, then they will learn about the different traits plants have to attract specific pollinators, before they work together to create designs for pollinator gardens. This will be my first experience teaching students in a school setting without a group. During one of my wildlife management classes, I assisted in teaching elementary students about invasive species and the environmental danger that they pose. I have also had several experiences teaching my classmates during lab sessions, as well as a short lesson during AEE 100 on how to build a bat box and why they are important. I like to include some form of activity where students can gain the hands-on skills that they need but is still a simple and relatively easy activity. I want to continue using different activities during my student teaching as I feel that they will benefit my students. Despite this I am not sure how well my micro-unit will go over, I have not yet taught a full lesson or tried to make multiple lessons flow together so that will be another new experience. Once I have completed my microunit I would like to reuse it at some point, I may need to revise it, but I feel that overall it is a fairly good lesson on the importance of pollinators.

I have included a link to the micro-unit outline and lesson plans if you are interested:
If and when you participated in micro-teaching, were there any uncertainties that you had previously?


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