Visiting Conrad Weiser *Post written February 28*

Today I visited my cohort member Amanda at Conrad Weiser High School. Amanda seems completely in her element even when she may not know exactly what is going on. She knows her students well and knows what their SAE projects are, or at least has an idea for what they are.
Today the students, in the first half of her Intro to Ag classes, used Flipgrid to create videos relating to asexual propagation methods and how to use them with radishes. Upon completion of these videos, they were watched in a mixed tape format so that the students could see each other's videos. Once they finished watching the videos they discussed the topics before moving onto their SAEs. The students were all engaged and appeared to enjoy creating and viewing their Flipgrid videos. I got the chance to listen to the students to explain their SAEs and they sounded pretty interesting. They mostly have research-based SAEs as Conrad Weiser is a highly science-based school. During the second class, the students also participated in a review Kahoot as Amanda had been out the previous day.
Amanda's current topics class, on the other hand, was exploring what SAEs are by using the AET. Amanda and her CT Adam gave an in-depth description of how the AET from journal entries to how the AET is used to apply for proficiency awards.
Conrad Weiser has a relatively small area devoted to their agriculture department but within that area, they have a large variety in what students can do. On-site there is a greenhouse, a barn, a paddock, an animal lab, a biological science lab, an agriculture library, and a food science area. Some of the students in the biology course are included in the FFA program here as well.
This diversity allows the students to gain a thorough understanding of what agriculture is and the science behind it.


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