Nearing the End of an Experience

This upcoming week is the final week of my student teaching experience. When I started this experience, I never would have thought that I would have spent the last five weeks of my internship participating in strictly online instruction. Generally speaking, the worldwide pandemic we are dealing with isn’t something you would need to plan for. During this experience I have learned to apply many of the concepts that I learned about during my classroom experiences. The main one being classroom management techniques.

Throughout my student teaching experience, I was given many opportunities to gain a variety of experiences. While I did not take advantage of all of them, I feel that I got the most out of the experiences that I did participate in. I got to experience the differences between a high school and middle school setting, which is not something many Agriscience student teachers get to experience. I greatly enjoyed this opportunity to see students in these two settings and compare student behavior.

I think that the experience of getting to see how different age groups within the same area act was an incredibly helpful experience. Through this experience, I was able to gain a better understanding of how to best interact with students of different age groups. As I don’t yet know for sure which age group I’d prefer to teach this experience helped me to adapt different strategies for each age group.

In addition to what I have learned about classroom management, I have also learned a bit about the community and how it interreacts with agriculture. While every community interreacts with agriculture in some way shape or form, there are some communities that have more direct interactions with agriculture. Northern Burlington School District, for example, is located in a fairly rural area, and while most of the students do not live on farms, some do and have direct interactions with agriculture on a daily basis.

During the coming week, I will be completing the remainder of my assignments and getting ready for what is to come in the not so distant future, such as graduation and finding a job. Once I graduate and go back home I hope to find a teaching job relatively close by but I am not to picky about where I get a job. I am forward to the future and where my life will take me even if I don't know where that is just yet.


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