Running the Classroom

This week during student teaching I taught two different classes. An eighth-grade class and a seventh-grade class. I also got to assist in facilitating a dissection in two advanced animal science classes. Each of these experiences was interesting in its own way. During the dissections, I found that I am still not completely comfortable with dissections. While I know anatomy fairly well and can point out different organs in images that of dissecting something makes me uncomfortable. I know that depending upon what school I end up at I may need to lead some dissections on my own. Due to this, I will need to work towards becoming more comfortable dissecting things. For those of you who perform dissections with your students, what have you done to become more comfortable with the process? What other similar activities would I be able to do with students until I get more comfortable? I enjoyed teaching the middle schoolers, as for the most part they seemed more enthusiastic about ...