Working from home with distractions

Prior to the pandemic outbreak, I was working on and improving my scheduling skills so that I was better able to complete the tasks that I needed to complete each week. Originally, I had thought that the largest distraction would be the cats that I am currently living with. They come and go from my room as they please and occasionally pick fights amongst themselves. However, for the most part, I barely notice them which makes sense. Aside from the times that they are physically walking on me or making noise its almost like they aren’t even there. I have however noticed that I was largely underestimating how distracting my younger cousins would be. Again, more than half the time I don’t notice them but much more often than with the cats, they make it hard to do work. While I knew they would be a distraction from previous weekends, I did not take into account the fact that they will also be home all day every day of the week. Add on top of that the fact that they will need ...